Women’s Giving Circle of North Central West Virginia

Building a community of thoughtful, effective women Philanthropists one woman at a time.

Our Story

The Women’s Giving Circle of North Central West Virginia is dedicated to engaging women of all
generations in the power of community philanthropy. Through sharing financial resources, we can make a
difference in the lives of women and girls throughout North Central West Virginia.

Our Beginning

The Women’s Giving Circle of North Central West Virginia began in 2014 with a conversation between a small group of women in the local community, pictured above, who shared a common interest in empowering and supporting women and girls. The circle of caring women was introduced to women from two established giving circles in West Virginia and Florida. Awed by the magnitude of their community efforts, our group began planning, using their organizational structure as a model. Another source of helpful background information came from the Giving Circle of the Ohio Valley which met with us to share their strategies and successes. The candle of change was ignited– with each gathering, the circle of inspired women continued to expand! Our plan forward began to take shape with the development and adoption of by-laws, election of officers, establishment of committees and, with immense thanks to Mon General, identification of a regular meeting place! The WGC Fund was established by charter members who pooled their resources together with inaugural annual gifts and the extraordinary assistance of the Your Community Foundation.

Long Term Goals

By creating a permanent endowment fund the Women’s Giving Circle will be sustained for future generations! In a nutshell, WGC is about giving together to do great things!

A Fund of Your Community Foundation

Your Community Foundation, better known as the YCF provides our 501 (c) 3 under which WGC operates so that annual gifts are tax deductible and the YCF also provides the record keeping, reporting and structure to make the giving circle a sustainable, credible organization.