Executive Committee consists of the Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Past Chair, Chairs of all Standing Committees, and any at large members that the Chair (with the approval of the membership) recommends.
Officers: Pictured Above: Lindsey Rhinehart, Treasurer Elect; Mavis Grant-Lilley, Secretary; Carolina Aguilera, Co-Vice Chair; Diane Market Gaston, Co-Vice Chair; Beth Fuller, Treasurer; Samantha Knight Hansen, Chair Elect; Bessie Fooks, Chair.
Role / Responsibilities
- General management and oversite as identified by the bylaws
- Review organization, operation, and membership to ensure maximum effectiveness
- Make recommendations to accomplish the objectives of the organization
- Votes on the proposed grants and projects to be funded and recommends them to the membership for approval
Public Relations Committee is comprised of any member who wishes to join the committee
Chair: Beth Fuller
Role / Responsibilities
- Internal Communication
- Supports members’ awareness and understanding of
programs, awards, projects, and activities - Coordinates timing, content, and collection of stories
for a newsletter or other internal communication
- Supports members’ awareness and understanding of
- External Communication
- Annual plan of press releases and stories about the
WGC - Ensures that information about grant cycle is released
to the press for submittals
- Annual plan of press releases and stories about the
Grants Committee is comprised of any member who wishes to join the committee
Chair: Carolina Aguilera
Role / Responsibilities
- Tracks research and community activities in the fields of interest (women and girls)
- Works with Public Relations committee on initiatives to be funded
- Works with Public Relations committee to develop member education and communications regarding issues, needs, and developments of
women and girls in North Central WV - Works to develop initiatives, letters of inquiry, and Requests for Proposal
- Manages grant decision process
- Reviews grants submitted for funding
- Researches submittal organizations to ensure their feasibility for funding
- Makes recommendations to the Executive Committee and Membership regarding projects to be funded
- Liaises with the funded agencies to assist them in completing reports and presenting to the membership
Membership Committee is comprised of anyone who wishes to be a member
Role / Responsibilities
- Coordinates events and activities for recruiting
- Provides orientation for new members
- Recommends strategies for retaining current members
Nominating and Governance Committee is chaired by the immediate Past Chair of the WGC. Members of this committee are appointed by the Executive Committee
Role / Responsibilities
- Develops and recommends proposed slate of officers filling any vacant positions
- Reviews, develops, and recommends governance practices and policies to the membership for approval